randomization of questions from two different types | XM Community
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I have 50 questions of type A and 20 questions of type B. Now I would like to randomly show participants 10 questions; 8 questions of type A and 2 questions of type B. I know how to randomly show 8 type A out of 50 and then 2 type B out of 20 but is there a way that the ordering of type A and type B questions is random?

Thanks a lot

Hello @Debirah ,

1. Create two embedded data (eg: ED_A, ED_B).

2. For ED_A -> Add a randomizer(with randomly represent 8 elements) in the survey flow with 50 embedded data element in it and each embedded data (ED_A ) set as `${e://Field/ED_A},1` for next embedded data element as `${e://Field/ED_A},2 `, similarly for rest 48 embedded data element

3. (Assuming there is no logic dependency between these 70 questions i.e. 50 of type A and 20 of type B ) Put all question in a block and add question randomization on it. Add dispal y logic on Q1 of type A as if ED_A `contains` 1, for Q2 if ED_A `contains` 2.......similarly for other questions.

You can repeat above steps for type B.

Alternative for above step 2 is - You can add two multi select question(QType_A, QType_B) one for type A(50 options) and other for type B(20 options). Select all choices as default choice in both the question. For QType_A, in option randomization select insert only 8 choices of the below. Now at our main question for type A, add display logic as if QType_A -> option 1 was selected. Similarly for other questions. Hide QType_A, QType_B and auto advance using JS
Hi Shashi

Thank you for your answer, I tried to implement it but I failed. Maybe I did not explain the problem correctly, I would like that each participant gets to see 10 questions in random order and on separate pages.

Currently my Survey Flow looks like this: !

Is this how you suggested it? I called my two types of question Adress_T1 and Adress_T2

However, the problem I have is that it shows now only two questions (one of Adress_T1 and one of Adress_T2) and they are on the same page, even though I have page breaks, I guess this has to do with the randomization.

Thanks again for your help & cheers
How did you solve this problem in the end? I have the same problem at the moment

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