Randomization + Prioritization | XM Community
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How to randomly pick 2 answer from a question with prioritization if a code is selected. then this will be the filter for the succeeding question.
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Add a display logic to all choice which should be shown only if a code is selected and randomize all choice.

Through this, the choice will only be shown if the respective code in the previous question is selected and the choice will be shown in randomized order.
I have multiple answer question, among all the selected answer from this question I will randomly pick 3 answer but if a specific category has been selected this category will be automatically pick and I only need to randomly pick 2 answer instead of 3. I'm planning to make this via Java script but I'm not sure which syntax to be use.
Hi @Kennedy_Isip_Kantar! It sounds like you are looking for a custom code solution! I've gone ahead and moved your question to the Developer Corner category.

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