Randomization within a 2x2 experiment design | XM Community
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Hi all,

I am currently designing an experiment that uses a 2x2 experiment design. For this, I have four independent experiments that consist of several text problem introductions and their related questions. I now want to randomly assign only one of the four experiments to a respondent, so that every respondent only answers one of the four experiments. I already tried using the randomizer but was not able to get it right.

As you probably guess I am quite new with qualtrics and would appreciate the help.

Thank you in advance!
When you say you used the randomizer- did you use the qestion randomization feature or the blocks featured? It sounds like the randomization in the survey flow should do the trick:


If not- perhaps you could let us know what is going wrong and we can help better 🙂

EDIT: My previous screenshot showed "Randomly Present 4 elements" rather than 1. To expose them only to 1 test, you'll want to lower than number to "1" as shown in the current screenshot.
Thank you! It seems that I confused something while working with the randomizer. Your answer works perfectly and I appreciate it a lot!

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