Randomly generate piped text answer | XM Community
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I need to pipe in text from a previously answered question to a question. The part that I can't figure out, is that it needs to be randomly generated from 1 of two questions. In survey below, they are asked to name a pleasant event and then an unpleasant event. The next question is where I need to generate the piped text: "Please consider the following event which has been selected at random from the events that you have just provided:"

One way you could do this is to set up randomized embedded data like below, at the beginning of your survey flow. In this, you randomize participants into one of two conditions.


Then, back on your survey edit page, create the "Please consider the following event which has been selected at random from the events that you have just provided:" question _twice_. In the first copy of the question, put the "pleasant event" piped text, in the second copy of the question, put the "unpleasant event" piped text. Then, set display logic so that only the pleasant or unpleasant text question is shown depending on the Embedded Data Field "Condition" that you created in your survey flow. It would look something like this:


You would set the display logic like so:

ahammell - you are a Qualtrics wizard!!! Thank you! 🙂
You're welcome!!
Based on what date a user selects I want them to get an email trigger 5 days prior to that date. While I am able to set up email trigger for the date they selected in the previous question, I'm not able to figure out what to do for them to receive email 5 days prior to the date they select? Need help.

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