Rank order query with carry forward, piping and ranking condition | XM Community
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Hi all 🤗,

I was wondering whether I could get some help with a rank order question as I was unable to find anything in the forums.

I currently have a rank order question which is carrying forward the responses from a previous question (Q1). In the rank order question (Q2), I want respondents to rank the top 3 statements they had selected from the previous question (Q1). I have tried using validation such as having respondents rank min 1 and max 3, however, if respondents select more than 3, they are still able to proceed with selecting ranking 1 or 2. Alternatively I have tried min 3 and max 3, however, if respondents select less than 3, they are still forced to rank 3 statements and unable to proceed.

In addition, is there a way if a respondent only selects one statement (in Q1) to have it autocomplete rank 1 (in Q2) and then allow them to skip Q2 entirely?

Any suggestions using any survey tools or JS would be greatly appreciated.


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