Record responses and close survey when respondent clicks an embedded link in the questionnaire | XM Community
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I have a survey where the last question is a structured single choice question with two possible choices. One of the choices is an image, embedded with a link that will redirect the respondent to another page. I want the survey to work in a way that if the respondnet clicks the image/link and is redirected...the survey is closed in that instant and the responses recorded. (I also have the survey programmed so that if they click the radio button, and hit 'next' they are redirected to that link...but I want both options to work).
Capture.JPGI actually have something similar set up in another survey, where if someone clicks a link in a Text/Image question, they are redirected and their survey closed and responses recorded...but I can't remember or figure out how I did that. Here is the java script I used in that survey:
jQuery("#clicked").click(function(event) {
    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("clicked", "1");
I think the part in bold is what needs to be updated based on my using a new question type. How do I trigger the next button if someone click an image in a structured question?
Any help is appreciated!

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