Recording Character Counts in a Qualtrics Survey | XM Community
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Hello! I am new to Qualtrics and hoping to find a way to get a count of the number of characters on each page of my survey. I am going to use this to screen for bots by looking at the response time and estimated reading rate based on number of characters per page. 





Hi @gdelap ,


This is not a feasible solution, let me suggest you the other way.


Do some manual data collection from your colleague who are doing this survey for the time. That time will be the LOI (Length Of Interview) of the survey. BUT still, we can assume that there will be respondents who will take comparatively less time than the LOI and many will take more (may be working on some other tasks, may forget and continue later).


What we generally do is we calculate the average time after data collection by a method, we calculate the average time excluding the top and below 10% (Speeders and time takers) only for calculation purpose and calculate the average of remaining and then dividing it by 3 (It will be near to the LOI). By this way, you can get your speeders and can exclude them from final data analysis. Do not exclude the time taker.


Few more you can exclude from grid type question (Straight liners) who clicks same scale value for every choice.


Hope this helps:)



In case it isn’t known, Qualtrics does have it’s own Bot screening options - however these may be in addition to the licence you already have. Refer to Fraud Detection (  

Thank you all, this is very helpful! 

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