Remove HTML tags before it stores in the data set | XM Community
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I have an integration with social concert which store data in Data set project every time when my company name is mention in the SC.

the problem is the data saved with html tags and i can’t use it for reports / dashboard and it set the NPS score to -100:


2. Trigger Event

Capture Next Event

Payload :

{ "id": "string", "author": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "url": "string", "img": "string", "tags": "string", "managed": "boolean" }, "location": { "continent": "string", "country": "string", "city": "string", "region": "string", "longitude": "string", "latitude": "string" }, "message": { "title": "string", "content": "string", "language": "string", "sentiment": "string", "type": "string" }, "source": { "category": "string", "service": "string", "id": "string", "in_reply_to_message_id": "string", "url": "string", "profile": "string", "profile_name": "string", "sender": "string" }, "topic": { "id": "number" }, "permalink": "string", "date": { "published": "number" }, "tags": "string", "part_of_cases": "string", "action_links": "array" }

How can i remove the HTML tags from data before data stores in the data project?

  1. You can run the code task to remove all the identified HTML tags.
  2. Remove the HTML tags from world cloud as below:


Can you share the example payload?

  1. You can run the code task to remove all the identified HTML tags.
  2. Remove the HTML tags from world cloud as below:


Can you share the example payload?

can you share the relevant code? i tried a few and i got an error :/

the payload is in my first post

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