Removing dotted bottom border of CSS tool tip's title text | XM Community
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Hi there,
I need to remove the dotted bottom border from the tool tip title and I am not sure of the best way to make it work. Recommended code is highly appreciated.

QSF file:
ELEVATE_Needs_Assessment.qsfCCS for the tool tip is within "style".
JS is in the matrix question's JS editor.
HTML is in the statements themselves, which of which have their own tool tip.

If possible, please use jsfiddle to collaborate with me on this. See link below to the full working code.

Examples when in preview:
ELEVATE example 1.jpgELEVATE example 2.jpg

Replace your content tag i.e. to


PraDeepKotian_Ugam Thank you! Changing my content tag to

worked perfectly.

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