Removing header display in end of survey block | XM Community
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I’m looking to remove the header that I input into the Look & Feel section from displaying in End of Survey section. I was able to remove the header from other blocks by inputting code into the Rich Content Editor, but I’m not able to access the Rich Content Editor in the End of Survey Block.


I tried putting the code into the saved message in My Library but the header still remains. Any help with this?


You need to edit your message in source mode and put the JavaScript in a <script> tag.


Thank you for the help! How do I access the source mode at the end of survey block?


Thank you for the help! How do I access the source mode at the end of survey block?

@ronakdsouza11 Edit message → Click the <> icon and paste this code in

var header = document.getElementById("Header"); = "none";

Hope this helps

Great, thank you so much!

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