Removing Labels from Slider | XM Community
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I'm trying to remove the labels from a slider in a survey question (i.e. the numbers on top of each gridline). I've gone to "Inspect" on Google Chrome to see the relevant CSS snippet and I keep getting "jQuery('#QID29') > div.Inner.BorderColor.HSLIDER > div > fieldset > div > div > div.labels-container > ul.labels" as the selector. But I can't seem to make the numbers disappear (I've tried making the font white, since that's the background for my survey, making the visibility be hidden, setting the font size equal to 0, etc., and nothing seems to work).

I may be well off so if anyone knows just a simple way of removing the labels that'd be great. Thanks!
If you remove all of the grid lines (setting the grid lines option to zero) it hides the numeric scale at the top. You may leave on or turn off the Show Value option, if you'd like to completely hide values.
Oh. Sometimes it _is_ that easy haha. Thanks!

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