Removing pre-entered responses for duplicated question block using JS code | XM Community
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I’ve created a survey that recycles a block of questions in survey flow for a series of 40 photos (each in their own block). I’ve used this approach as I want respondents to answer this same set of questions for a random subset of photos. However, when the survey is run, previous responses to the question block appear pre-entered at each subsequent showing. One solution would be to instead copy the block in the survey itself so that each photo has its own question block. However, this makes editing the survey cumbersome due to the number of photos.
I wondered, is it possible to use JS code to remove the previously entered responses for the block of questions (questions are of a variety of styles, e.g., text, multiple choice). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  

If you repeat the block, without making a duplicate, only one set, the last ones will be recorded. Either duplicate your block or look at Loop & Merge.

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