Repeating questions in loop & merge without back-to-back presentations? | XM Community
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I'm trying to create a fairly standard cognitive psychology experiment that's proving to be problematic in Qualtrics.
I'm randomly presenting a sequence of images using loop and merge, but I want some of the images to be repeated multiple times. That part is easy - I just overrepresent some images in the loop & merge list. However, I don't want the repeated images to occur twice in a row. Is there a solution to this, or a clever workaround?
Thank you in advance! If this has an answer, it's sure to help another cognitive psychology/neuroscience student out there!

Not tried this but I think it should do the job!
Include the image URL in embedded data within a randomizer which you want to be randomized and check the evenly present elements as shown below & pipe this embedded data where image is to be shown.
image.pngFor the ones where you need it repeated you can hardcode as you already did and it should work for you. Kindly include branch logic above the Question block.
Hope it helps!

Thanks so much for your reply! I think I understand what you're describing, but I have a couple clarifying questions.
I'm wondering how using the randomizer works better for this issue than loop & merge. Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by hardcoding the repeating items. Do you think I should add them redundantly as I suggested in the original post? If so, I'm still wondering how to prevent back-to-back presentations of the same images.
My other interpretation of your suggestion is to do it in chunks: so... have a streak of, say, 5 images that are evenly presented. And then insert one of the repeated images. And then start another chunk of 5 that are randomized, and then another repeat image. Is that what you mean?

The randomizer will work along with a loop and merge and the graphics will be presented in an even manner that will show each graphic once and would not create repeated images. So, yes your second interpretation is correct.
Hope it helps!

I would do this a different way:

  1. Add an MC question before the loop & merge block and hide it with JavaScript (and click the next button if needed).

  2. Each choice in the hidden question represents a loop. Put n-1 choices in two choice groups, and make sure all the duplicate image choices are in different groups. You will then have two choice groups and one choice not in a group.

  3. Randomize the choices in the groups.

  4. Use advanced randomization to anchor the one non-group choice between the two choice groups.

  5. Base the loop & merge on the displayed choices in the hidden question.

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