Retrieving and re-embeeding real-time responses via API | XM Community
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In my survey, I as a question with a numerical response scale. In the same survey, I would like to embed a variable that tells me the average response (or some other summary statistic) on that question, from the same survey. (So obviously this won't work for the first respondent, for whom there haven't been any previous reponses.)
I already found a solution using an external web service, but I was wondering whether it would be possible with the Qualtrics API?

How do you plan to work with the Qualtrics API without using web service?

Hey Ahmed,
I probably don't understand well what an API can/cannot do, and what a web service is good for.
How would you approach the task I described above?
Best, Bernhard

Okay then... It's going to be quite a long road for you. To start with, search my comments for github. Somewhere around Nov-Dec I'd posted the steps required to accomplish exactly what you're aiming for.

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