Salesforce Chatter Feed | XM Community
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Hi Community 

I am really happy with all the different Workflow possibilities in direction of Salesforce. This is very useful and solve a lot of Topics for me. I also often use Chatter Feed Part to send Feeds to the Objects. 
In Salesforce itself there is this @mention function within a Object feed to mark a person or a Chatter Group. 

Now I tried so use this also direct from a qualtrics Workflow but without success until now. I already tried to use it as a json Function but also with this, it doesn’t work I get the code as Text only. 


"body": o 

     { "type":"Text", "text" : "Hello... "},

     {"type":"Mention", "id": "00523423423434"},

     { "type":"Text", "text": " welcome to Salesforce"} ]



So my Question. Does anyone have a solution how to @mention a User in this Chatter Feed or how to mark that this is a json code an not only a text. Thanks for any feedback! 

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