Save embedded data before the page break? | XM Community
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I'm appending characters to a string embedded data element with .setEmbeddedData. The data element is updated many times before the Next button is clicked, and the repeated updates must, by necessity, remain on the same page.

If I examine the element with .getEmbeddedData, the embedded data element appears to change each time it's incremented. But if the respondent does "save and continue" (or loses connectivity) before the next button is clicked, the incremented embedded data element seems to be lost.

Is there a way to force embedded data to be saved WITHIN a page, as it would be after a page break or Next click?

Thanks all!

> @Ted_R said:

> Is there a way to force embedded data to be saved WITHIN a page, as it would be after a page break or Next click?

No, embedded data is stored on the Qualtrics server. Any updates you do in JS while on a page are just local to the browser. They don't actually get saved until the browser sends the data to the server when the respondent clicks Next.
Thanks for sharing your expertise, Tom...not just on this question, but also on the many others you weigh in on .

You are much appreciated.


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