scaled numeric matrix questions | XM Community
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Hello, we have a survey in XM where we would like to track and better understand Customer Satisfaction. We would like to have some questions in this format with a scale from 1- 5 but unfortunately unable to add labels “Highly Dissatisfied to Highly Satisfied” from left to right to give an indication to the end users. 

Currently the question is set to Likert Matrix Type with Profile as Format.


Any advise ?


You might be interested in the scaledMatrix function.  It does exactly what you want and has features to accommodate many needs. 

Thanks @TomG, i’ll definitely give it a go. I’m guessing it works with a single statement as well right? 

Thanks @TomG, i’ll definitely give it a go. I’m guessing it works with a single statement as well right? 

Yes, see the oneChoiceSuppress option.

It would look something like this:

You’ll need to contact me by private message to give it a go.

Just PM you.

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