Screening out real location of survey respondents even if they use VPN | XM Community
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Dear Qualtrics Community,

For my survey, I am trying to exclude all respondents who are not from the Germany, even if they might use a VPN. Therefore I am using ipdata to detect the location of the respondent. Everyone who is not from the Germany should be automatically excluded from the survey. However, if I test the link of the survey, sometimes I am excluded and sometimes not. If I save the ip address, I can see that it is always a 52. address that is not the actual address of my computer, but belongs apparently to some amazon company in Frankfurt or sometimes to some location in Ireland. I do not understand where Qualtrics or IPdata get this IP address from. Has anyone here encountered a similar problem and maybe solved it? I would really appreciate some help. Below you can also see how I use the webservice for that and how I set the embedded data and everything. For the api-key, I am using an actual key not the XXXXX that you see in the foto.

Thank you and cheers,


You are getting the ip location of the Qualtrics server because your web service call is incorrect.

The URL should be:${loc://IPAddress}

Remove the ip query parameter.
Dear Tom,

Thank you for your help. Unfortunately It still doesn‘t work. If I put the URL as you suggest, and if I then use the test function if the URL, I receive the message from Qualtrics that the URL does not return any results for embedded data usage. Also, if I then test the entire survey again, I still get the wrong IP address, again starting with 52..

Do you maybe have another idea, it would be really helpful.


> @fdeeg said:

> Dear Tom,

> Thank you for your help. Unfortunately It still doesn‘t work. If I put the URL as you suggest, and if I then use the test function if the URL, I receive the message from Qualtrics that the URL does not return any results for embedded data usage. Also, if I then test the entire survey again, I still get the wrong IP address, again starting with 52..

> Do you maybe have another idea, it would be really helpful.

> Cheers,

> Franziska

Embedded variables don't get replaced when you click the Test button. It works for me when I do what I suggested above.

However, if all you want to save is country name and code, you don't need a web service. Just pipe the GeoIP location data into embedded variables in your survey flow:

country_name = ${loc://CountryName}

country_code = ${loc://CountryCode}

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