Send message / incorporate new page in survey while in progress | XM Community
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I will be using the survey as an exam and would like to send a reminder to students that there is 10 mins left. Moreover, my questions are all randomized, so I cannot insert a page after X amount of questions. I will be keeping the time (aka, I don't have a code in place as a timer because of the questions randomization). Is there a way I can send a message to the current participants (as a pop-op window or similar, but not an email as they might not be looking at their email while anxiously filing out the exam)? Or include a page within the survey that would change even the partial completes link (and not just be applicable to new participants)? Or am I just asking too much from Qualtrics programming? Ha! Ha!

You could put a JavaScript in the survey header that tracks the time and displays an alert at the appropriate time. The variable Q_TotalDuration always as the elapsed time in seconds when a survey page loads. Pipe that into your script, then use a setInterval function to keep the time and, if necessary, issue the alert while they are on the page.

Thanks TomG ! Looks exactly like what I'd need!
I'm not that tech savvy in JavaScript. Would you mind giving me a bit more info on the code I should put in my header? Also, I think you noticed my other post These aren't exactly the same questions (but might be answered the same, maybe?).
Here, I ask how I can send an alert at 10 mins, and in the other post I ask if I can show a custom message to partial respondent after closing my survey. Maybe this code in my header can do both by sending a message at 10 mins before the end, and then showing the end page at 0 min??
Thanks again for your time!

They aren't the same question. Off hand, I don't know how you would change the message if you close the survey. You could control the message if you automatically end the survey 90 minutes after the respondent starts using a slight variation of the method I described above.

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