Send personalized link of the survey by email using address from an answer | XM Community
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Hi All,
I am trying to create a survey which does the following:

  1. Asks user for their email (as a question)

  2. Using that email address send a link personalized link of another survey on the mail address.

Is it possible to so (even by using custom code)?
TomG rondev

Yes we can use web service in survey flow and distribution API to do this. Check API on

Hi rondev , I do not wish create a active server to make the service API calls.
- Is it possible to make these calls from the JavaScript of the question or a End of Survey Message?
- Or is it possible, to make calls similar to Question API "Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.someMethodCall''?

You do not need to create any active servers, just use the survey flow element - web service.
If we do not want to use web service, you can also make ajax call to the API in javascript of question.

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