sending multiple customer survey to same email | XM Community
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Have a scenario where  1 email contact is completing survey on behalf of multiple customer surveys. That email address is part of a list that also includes customer name & customer id #.  The upload list process allows multiple occurrences of the email address, however Qualtrics is removing duplicate email addresses prior to distributing. Is there a way to tell it to dedupe based on another field, i.,e customer id, instead of the email address?

Hi Valerie0515 ,
I'm now aware of a built-in way to get Qualtrics to permit sending duplicate emails. To work around that issue in my own projects, I do one of two things.
First option: add "+1", "+2" and so on between the username and @ sign in the duplicate email address (i.e., youremail +1 @ yourdomain . org , without the spaces of course). Qualtrics will treat them as different emails and send them out. The only catch is that this will not work for all email domains, so some may bounce back.
Second option: change each duplicate address to your own, and add +1, +2, etc. to your address as described above. Send the distribution out, then forward the emails you received to the intended recipient. But this is a less desirable option if you are not using your own email address to send out invites in Qualtrics.
Hope this helps. tried this option but it didn't work. emails were successfully sent but not received..!!

I’ve heard from others that if you wait “x” amount of hours, you can send to the duplicate address(es). Does anyone know how much time must elapse in order to do this?

The reason I’m asking is we are a university, and would like to send a customized survey our for each course a group of students are enrolled in. I really don’t want to have to maintain and process four identical surveys, so I know I can easily split duplicate user IDs into “pools”, and then send each pool at a different time of day.



Has anyone discovered the ‘x’ number of hours you need to wait? I’ve reached out to Qualtrics support for the same issue but no response yet. Thanks!

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