Set embedded data from a text entry | XM Community
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I have a 28 answer question and the last answer is a text entry. I am trying to get this text entry to become embedded data. I tried


but this is not working. Any ideas?
It should be something like:


However, I don't think that will give you what you want.
That didnt work either. Is there any syntax with getChoiceAnswerValue or any of the Qualtrics functions I should know about?
> @maindanger said:

> That didnt work either. Is there any syntax with getChoiceAnswerValue or any of the Qualtrics functions I should know about?

You said you don't think it will give me what I want. What do you mean by that?
> @maindanger said:

> You said you don't think it will give me what I want. What do you mean by that?

That getChoiceAnswerValue wouldn't give you the value of a text entry.
Are you able to do this in the survey flow with piped text?
Yes I can but for repeatability I wanted to do it in code I can create multiple forms with the same question and not have to add in the flow every time. I can also pipe the text into the email action along with the embedded data field but I think that is too much of a band aid.

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