Setting Pick, Group, & Rank responses in Question 1 as the default for Question 2 | XM Community
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Hello! For question 1 on my survey, I am using a pick, group, & rank question to have participants sort items into groups.  For question 2, I want Qualtrics to show them their groupings from question 1 in a pick, group, & rank task so that they can readjust their groupings based on a new set of instructions. Is it possible to write javascript code to make the Default Choices in question 2 the “carry forward choices” from question 1? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

I’m thinking I could:

(step 1) create embedded data for each group (group1, group2, group3) at the beginning of the survey flow

(step 2) on question 1, use javascript to save the responses (i.e., the items that were sorted into each group) on submit to the embedded data groups

(step 3) on question 2, use javascript to set the default choices for each group as the items from the embedded data


If anyone could write some javascript to get me started (I can understand code pretty well as I have a little bit of training in other languages), or if you think of a different way to approach this, I would greatly appreciate it!

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