Setting up a series of text entry boxes as an accordion | XM Community
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I have a series of 8 essay text entry questions. I'd like for this series to appear like an accordion, where the headings always show and the text boxes are hidden but show/hide again by clicking the down arrow. If I make the heading (question text) into a button, can I use the question element id in a function to show/hide just the text entry box onclick?


Yes, you can do that. You don't need a 'button', just a click handler on the question text.
Thanks @TomG ,

So if I have this for the question text:

`<div id="topic" onClick="showtext()"><b><u>Topic 1</u> ▼</b></div> `

And in the onload function, I've successfully initially hidden the boxes with this:

jQuery("#" + this.questionId + " .InputText ").hide();

But I'm having trouble writing the function that shows the box when the topic is clicked. 😞
Hello @Nadaly ,

Paste the below code in js(onReady)

var that= this.questionId;

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").hide();

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .LabelWrapper label").on('click',function(){

jQuery("#"+that+" .InputText").hide();

var id=jQuery(this).attr("for");


Your code is sincerely appreciated @Shashi (I did not know this was called a LabelWrapper label) but this code doesn't seem to be working for my question series.

The text boxes are initially hidden but nothing happens on clicking the question text.
> @Nadaly said:

> Your code is sincerely appreciated @Shashi (I did not know this was called a LabelWrapper label) but this code doesn't seem to be working for my question series.

> The text boxes are initially hidden but nothing happens on clicking the question text.

I hope you are using form question type

QSF Attached
Oh I see @Shashi ! So your code does work on a form type. I have 8 individual essay text questions.

I could consider a form type question for this purpose if: 1) the text boxes could appear under the headers rather than beside them; and 2) the text box and response then remains visible once something is typed in (and only closes if the respondent intentionally clicks on the header again). Otherwise, I think I'd prefer the individual question approach.
> @Nadaly said:

> Oh I see @Shashi ! So your code does work on a form type. I have 8 individual essay text questions.

> I could consider a form type question for this purpose if: 1) the text boxes could appear under the headers rather than beside them; and 2) the text box and response then remains visible once something is typed in (and only closes if the respondent intentionally clicks on the header again). Otherwise, I think I'd prefer the individual question approach.


Here's the updated code for different questions.

Also it will not hide text box with values. Paste this in the first text entry question

var that= this.questionId;


jQuery(".QuestionText ").on('click',function(){

jQuery(" .InputText").each(function(){

if( jQuery(this).val()==""){




var id=jQuery(this).attr("for");



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