Shortening carry forward text or piped text from embedded data | XM Community
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I am asking users allocate their time across a set of processes (>50) and then carrying forward their selections to future questions using both carry forward text and piped text from embedded data. The names of some processes are very long or include a number of examples in the format of (e.g. ....). This is creating some odd formatting when these names are presented in later questions. Is there a way to truncate the names when the processes are carried forward?

I think I could cut the names off at a '(' or '/' character but am not sure how to write the java script needed or where it would need to go in the java script editor.

Any help or direction would be appreciated!
It will be better if you punch shorter names in embedded data itself and than using these embeded variables for piping. As each of your text will be having different formats and splitting by some particular adjoin like or,/ can make meaningless text.
I'm carrying forward information from a 'highlight' type question and need to edit it. How is this done?

The carryforward info brings forward the original item number (which I did not put in the question) and I need it not to be there in the carryforward text.

E.G. Respondents are shown a list of topics (not numbered), and are asked to categorize each item (good topic, waste of time, etc.) In the next question I bring forward the items selected as 'good topic' and ask respondent to rank order these. PROBLEM: Carryforward item carries with it the original item number, which is very confusing to respondents. QUESTION: How do I edit this carryforward text to remove the original item numbering??
Put the text you eventually want to hide in `<span>` tags with the same class, then hide all those spans in your follow up questions.


jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .hideMe").hide();


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