Show embedded documents depending on respondents' choice on same screen | XM Community
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survey.jpgHi all,

I need to build a survey (platform) with the following characteristics (sketch of what it should look like attached): 

  • Respondents need to review information about application documents and then make a decision whether their evaluation is positive or negative.

  • The whole experiment should be done on one main screen, which is split into 3 parts (see screen 1, screen 2, screen 3). Screen 3 is optional, its content could also be integrated into screen 1 if that is easier.

  • Respondents should be able to access different types of information about a given application, by clicking on buttons 1/2/3 on screen 1. All the information that is accessible on the main screen belongs to the same application.

  • As a result of clicking on either of these buttons, the corresponding information should be displayed on screen 2 (document 1/2/3, one at a time). This should all happen on the main page, i.e. the respondents should not need to go back and forth between pages to access documents 1/2/3 but they should appear interactively as they click on button 1/2/3.

  • After accessing all the information they wish, the respondents should then submit their decision on screen 3.

  • Since each respondent should evaluate multiple applications, the whole main screen should then refresh to let the respondent access information about the next loan and evaluate it.

  • Ideally I could track which pieces of information are accessed, i.e. which buttons the respondent pressed.

Is it possible to do this in Qualtrics and, if yes, how? The closest I got, was to have buttons 1/2/3 as a multiple choice question and then to embed document 1/2/3 as an image that is shown depending on which option is selected in the multiple choice question. The main issue with this approach is that respondents have to go to a different page to view documents 1/2/3 after selecting the corresponding button and after that go back again. 
Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best wishes, 

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