Showing the average answer of other respondents. | XM Community
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As a part of a study, I need the respondent to see the current (live) average answer of other respondents in the survey. So that the average is shown before the answer choices. This is to evaluate how the opinion of others affects the response. I am very new to coding in Qualtrcis and after searching similar topics from the forum I found little to no help to this task.


Because of the nature of the study, doing another survey and linking the averages this to the current survey is probably not an option (this was suggested in other discussions in the forum). To make this hard enough, I need to be able to show the answers of spesific group to a responded which belongs to a spesific group. But help for the first task is more important, maybe I can figure this latter later.


Thank you so much for any tips in advance!

You could create a public report and embedd it in your survey as an iframe. 

Thank you! This was helpful.

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