Side-by-side question formatting using JavaScript | XM Community
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This might be a bit of a challenge, but any help with any parts would be much appreciated…
I currently have a series of multiple-answer side-by-side questions i.e. check boxes, which look like this.
v1-current.JPGI’d like to make the format look more like this....
1) I’d like to have circles rather than squares – which when ticked become a solid colour.
2) I’d like to use the first row as the question text (e.g. Question 1 Text) i.e. I assume by using the first statement, but deactivating the checkboxes and shading the row.
3) I’d like to give respondents the ability to tick lots of checkboxes quickly e.g. in the AAA row the respondent has selected every box from 9 to 22. Is there a way for respondents to be able to do that quickly and easily without having to tick every box manually e.g. could they click and drag, or click once for the start box and again for the last box (which would then complete every box in between)?
4) In the label number row – could I have text box which if a respondent writes in a number, it then highlights that cell and the two cells below?
Many thanks

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