Size of graphics in option boxes of multiple choice question not reflecting image size | XM Community
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Hi! I am trying to create a multiple choice question with images in the option boxes. I have added the images using text editor to the options. However, the option boxes don't seem to reflect updates to the size of the embedded image beyond a certain point (eg., the change is reflected with image heights between 0-200; but beyond that height the changes aren't reflected). The layout of the question is horizontal placement of the option boxes.

Could someone please explain this behaviour of the option boxes and how I could change it to reflect larger sizes of the images?  Thanks a lot!

Are you trying to make image larger so that it takes over the grey portion of image?

Yes. Alternatively, is it possible to increase the size of the option boxes based on the size of the image? (similar to flex behaviour of items). I would like to apply this "Flex" to all the options boxes in the survey.

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