Slider: add tick marks and spatial range of Qualtric's this.questionclick function | XM Community

Slider: add tick marks and spatial range of Qualtric's this.questionclick function

  • 29 March 2019
  • 2 replies

How can I add tick marks to my slider (snapping to 20 notches) like so: ( "")?
I tried adding a border to the table div component of the slider, but it is extremely unsightly. Any help will be greatly appreciated!


I have also implemented a JavaScript function that triggers on `this.questionclick()`; it calculates some values and displays them on the screen. However, the function is not triggered (numbers not updated) when the mouse click is released outside of the question body div. I have expanded the question body width but I can only expand it to a reasonable amount before the question starts to look funny. I have now tried to offer a solution by adding a "recalculate" button
but would prefer it if the problem can be avoided in the first place.

Thank you in advance.

2 replies

Sandys - Did you ever solve this? I am looking to do the same.
OO - I think I found a solution - I used a background image for one of the elements. Looks decent.

.Skin .horizontalbar .Slider .BarContainer {
top: -20px;
background-image: url(----);
padding-top: 4px;
height: 32px!important;
background-position: center;
background-size: cover;

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