Slider: customize position of labels | XM Community
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Hello, may I ask if anyone knows how to customise the position of labels in a slider question? I do not wish to have the starting label position be at '0' which is currently the case as seen here:
image.pngInstead, I want the labels to start and look like this scale (basically take out the '0' in the above picture^):
image.pngI am okay if the MI, MO and SE labels are on top of the slider! I think that's normally the case for Qualtrics slider questions.
Thank you so much!

Have this as your first label:


Ooh thank you! I tried that and it works (: However, I realise I needed to find a way to reposition the "MI", "MO", and "SE" labels too as they are not equidistant from each other. I am going to try this code on each label:


and adjust the positioning accordingly by trial and error. If anyone knows of a better solution, let me know!
Thank you so much ahmedA ! I'll use that code to hide the start and end marks that I will use as reference points for the scale.

With position absolute, I would recommend using relative units, so that the element stays at the same place regardless of the screen size.

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