Slider Max Value Dependent On Previous Answer | XM Community
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Is there any way to set the "Max value" of a slider equal to an Embedded Data value? I assume this would require some Javascript, but I'm not sure what the code would be.
(To give more info: I am creating a survey which includes a slider question. I want to make the "Max value" of this slider equal to a previous answer in the survey. I figured I could just record the previous answer as embedded data, and use it to determine the slider's max value. However, there doesn't seem to be any easy way to do that.
A hack-y way to get around my problem would be to create multiple sliders, one for each possible previous answer value, and then use display logic so respondents see the appropriate slider. However, there are 250 potential answers, and I'd rather not make 250 different sliders, if possible.)
Thank you!

One of the possible solution - Create a slider with maximum value a user can enter. Then add a custom validation on the slider question as if value of slider in less than or equal to [pipe text the answer text or embedded data in the last text entry box].

Thanks, this is a good idea! I assume, then, that there is no easy way to program the maximum value based on a previous answer?
Thank you!

Thanks, this is a good idea! I assume, then, that there is no easy way to program the maximum value based on a previous answer?

dz123 - No, there isn't any way to do that with Qualtrics slider. You could use JS to create your own slider and capture its value in Qualtrics.

Thank you TomG, good to know. I may end up going down that path.

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