Slider question add reference points from previous answers | XM Community
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I have two similar questions using sliders. And, in my second question, I hope to add reference points in the sliders to show my participants their previous answers, so that they can answer the question based on their previous answers. For example, if they answered 50, 40, 60 in the previous question, these numbers will be marked respectively in some ways --something like the picture below (the three black dots are markers I hope to add).
Is this possible in Qualtircs? Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you for your help in advance!

Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 4.29.15 PM.png

Not sure this would be what you want, but...
You could use their previous answers as Default Choices for the next they will be preset to their previous answers. Go to the second question, and click on Default Choices. To the right of the slider, you should see a drop down button. Choose the answer from the previous question for each statement.

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