SOLVED iatgen Qualtrics error | XM Community
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Via Carpenter et al.'s code, I was making my own IAT -a reaction time test- in Qualtrics. It worked perfectly, until this week when I wanted to upload my final version. 
Somehow I now see the following block after uploading the .qsf in Qualtrics:
image.pngI have tried several computers that all have a keyboard, but this question block does not go away.
When trying to ignore this and previewing the test, the following pop up shows:
image.pngClicking OK or using another webbrowser does not help.
And even previous versions of the test that were already tested by other people now give the same problems.
Does anyone have an idea what might cause this and how to tackle it?
I feel like it can't really be the code, as nothing has changed in the code, but how Qualtrics reacts to it has changed.
Your help would be much appreciated!


Hi...did you manage to get this to work?

Yes, I did!

okay. what was the problem. Because, when I tried it a few weeks back, I was only getting results in the RN sections.

Just seeing this now.. Hopefully you've been able to get it to work, but the problem with my error was that I had changed some URLs (using an image based IAT), but I didn't change them in my code. So my code gave the a directory to non-existent URLs. Not sure if that's of any help for your problem though..

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