Space in a Matrix table Q | XM Community
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Hi Everyone! 


I have standard 1 on 2 matrix table question, where I added a j.script that adds a name “Ben” Before the first box. 

I am trying to create a space between the “Ben” string and the first textbox, without success so far. This is the code: 

let all_inputs = this.getQuestionContainer().querySelectorAll("input");
all_inputs/0].insertAdjacentText("afterend"," Years");
all_inputsb1].insertAdjacentText("afterend"," Months ");


And this is how it looks like in Qualtrics’ interface: 

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this? 


Thank you so much in advance!




Hi @tomtzur8596 

You can try add a span tag for adding space between Ben and the first box. 

<span style='margin-right: 10px;'>Ben:</span>


Hope this resolves your issue.


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