Stars questions on mobile | XM Community
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Hi there,

I am using a stars scale question in my survey, with 4 items but actually those items are not display correctly on mobile. They are a bit cut (see image below).

Also I would like to change the color of the stars when selected, how to do that ?



Not sure what you mean by ‘cut’, but it may be helpful to move the labels above the stars:


Great thanks, above the stars is perfect! 

What about the color of the stars when selected ?


To change the color, you’ll need to make a copy of the Qualtrics stars.png image, modify the selected color, and upload it to your Qualtrics library. Then add custom CSS:  

.Skin .STAR .StarsContainer .Filled {
    background: transparent url(/*url of your new stars image goes here*/) 0 0;


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