Styling in Loop & Merge Fields | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

How do you apply styling to words in Loop & Merge fields? For example a looped question like this:

"Have you {field1}?"

With the fields:

1. "ever eaten fruit"

2. "flown on a plane recently"

3. "ever been the driver in a car accident"

And I want to bold the word ever in both rows 1 and 3. How do I do that?

Hello @Pete_L ,

In the loop and merge field you can update the text to `<b>ever</b>eaten fruit` and `<b>ever</b>been the driver in a car accident`
Thank you Shashi! Do you know if all html tags will work in there?

Like if I wanted to do something like this:

<div class="airplane">flown on a plane recently</div>

I'll mark this as answered either way 😀
I had typed a div wrapping around that text with a class but it blanked it out obviously.
> @Pete_L said:

> I had typed a div wrapping around that text with a class but it blanked it out obviously.

Yes, div html tags does work

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