Survey Link to specific question in survey | XM Community
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Survey Link to specific question in survey

  • 20 June 2019
  • 4 replies

Good evening all,

Backstory on this project, I had a business unit come to me and ask if I had a solution for how a customer could change their answers after viewing the Qualtrics' Response Summary page. Currently, once the Response Summary page is loaded, the back button is not just hidden, but is not loaded with the page at all. This means that creating a custom button in the footer and using the clickPreviousButton() API doesn't work. At that point, the survey responses have not been submitted yet, so the response is still in "Responses in Progress". Therefore, I cannot use a "ReTake Survey Link" without having the customer click the "Submit" button and then offering the link on the "Thank you for taking our survey..." page which I foresee being confusing for the customer.

With 2 ways not to create a Qualtrics lightbulb under my belt, I believe the best way to accomplish this is to create a button and, using the same SessionId, redirect the customer to an earlier point in the survey.

We are using a ToC, which I know complicates thigns a little (confirmed the custom back button does work without the ToC in the survey). I want to be able to send a customer to a question(or top of a block) outside the ToC. See uploaded picture for screenshot of survey and survey flow. In the survey, Q5 is a question outside the ToC that I'm trying to send the user to. in the Survey Flow, Block 678910 is the block I want to send them to. Either one will work for my intended purpose.

I've tried this to use a redirect after the survey is submitted (and the response is in Recorded Responses, a pre-req for retake links):

`<form style="display: inline" action="https://[company][SurveyId]?Q_R=${e://Field/ResponseID}&Q_R_DEL=1" method="post">

<button>Modify Survey Answers</button>


I've also tried this method


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

if (jQuery("a[id='BL_ctHSccVySVodtJ3']").length > 0) //where BlockID == any block in the TOC


jQuery('#NextButton').css('color', 'red');




where I'm trying to detect the Block ID of the response summary page and create a button with the link above that would send a customer to an earlier portion of the survey.

Any help is greatly appreciated, you have no idea how much, thank you!

I can't help you with any custom code as what you've posted is already more than I know about it, but I can tell you how I would handle this personally. It might get very cumbersome depending on how many areas the respondent may need to repeat OR if you want to change the survey at any point, but I believe it will accomplish your goal:

I would create a drop-down list of all the areas the respondent may want to return to and add that as the final question. (You could do something like "Do you wish to go back and change answers; y/n; y>drop down list question). In the survey flow, after that question is answered, I'd use branch logic to flow them down the correct path after they decide what block they want to go down.
Thanks for the suggestion, Jen! I can throw that out to the user, but I do see a problem with it: the Response Summary page is the displayed after all blocks in the Survey Flow have been displayed. Basically, you'd be asking the user if they want to change any of their responses before showing them what their responses were. A clever idea though nonetheless!
@jeremyK Good point. You could build a response summary in a Descriptive Text question with piped text pulling in all of their answers. But like I said about the branching, it is a cumbersome thing to do if you have a lot of questions/blocks.

Someone else may be able to help with a custom code solution that would be easier, just wanted to give my (albeit difficult) solution.
Yeah, this particular survey is complex as well as having 200+ questions, I don't believe building it by hand is the most efficient way to go. I'm not convinced I can't solve this with a more clever solution. Thanks for the time, Jen!

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