Text/Graphic Question - Selection and then appear text?? | XM Community
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Hi Everyone

I have a simple question that looks like this…

Any ideas how if someone presses the date / arrow the bullet points would appear?  Like this…

No bullet points...

Pressing date / arrow shows bullet points...


Thanks :)


Try this,
Put this in HTML:

<span id="arrowIcon">➜ Toggle Bullet Points</span>
<ul id="bulletPoints" class="hidden">
<li>Point 1</li>
<li>Point 2</li>
<li>Point 3</li>
function toggleBulletPoints() {
var bulletPoints = document.getElementById('bulletPoints');
document.getElementById('arrowIcon').addEventListener('click', toggleBulletPoints);

Hope this helps!

Hi @Deepak 

Thanks for getting back to me.

I did this, but in preview I get this.


I can’t seem to click ‘Toggle Bullet Points’ to reveal ‘Point 1’, etc.

Really appreciate your support and hope you can get back to me :)

Thanks :) 

@parkie_0007  I missed the CSS part can you add the below as well in your HTML

/* Style for hidden bullet points */
.hidden {
display: none;

/* Style for the arrow icon (you can customize this) */
#arrowIcon {
cursor: pointer;


Hope it helps!

Hi @Deepak 

Again, thanks for your help.

I added this, and the hover over icon appears, but when clicked it dos not toggle the bullets.

Hope you can help :)


have you added everything can you check?

/* Style for hidden bullet points */
.hidden {
display: none;

/* Style for the arrow icon (you can customize this) */
#arrowIcon {
cursor: pointer;


<!-- Arrow icon (you can replace this with any text or element) -->
<span id="arrowIcon">➜ Toggle Bullet Points</span>

<!-- Bullet points container -->
<ul id="bulletPoints" class="hidden">
<li>Point 1</li>
<li>Point 2</li>
<li>Point 3</li>

// Function to toggle the visibility of bullet points
function toggleBulletPoints() {
var bulletPoints = document.getElementById('bulletPoints');

// Attach the click event to the arrow icon
document.getElementById('arrowIcon').addEventListener('click', toggleBulletPoints);



Add the script in the JavaScript section onload.

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