The screenreader reads the options and the text twice | XM Community
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While testing, our team identified an issue: the ScreenReader, like Voice Over (Apple) and NVDA, read the options (single-select and multi-select) twice.  It is occurring due to the aria-labelledby in HTML flow has the group header, label, and the option text all added in a single line. Is there a way to edit it and customize the aria-labelledby for individual options?


<div class="choice checkbox"><div class="choice-error-container"><div class="choice-error"><label class="choice-label" for="mc-choice-input-QID13-1"><input aria-invalid="false" aria-labelledby="choice-display-QID13-1 choice-group-display-QID13-cg_3 exclusive-choice-label-QID13-1" id="mc-choice-input-QID13-1" name="QID13" role="checkbox" type="checkbox"><span class="radio-button checkbox"></span><span class="choice-content"><span class="display-with-image" id="choice-display-QID13-1"><span class="display-with-image-display rich-text">Métis</span></span></span></label></div></div></div>


These are the options in the survey, which are being read twice:


Hi Chinmay, I have the same issue and it’s driving me crazy. Screen readers read the answer text once for the radio button/checkbox and then repeats it again as the text element. Did you happen to figure this out? 

Have you tried using the new-ish simple layout?

Yea, unfortunately this is still an issue with the simple layout


Hi - I have a similar issue - using simple layout and a multiple choice question is being read by JAWS screen reader in a strange way - reading the question text before each and every response option.

We’ve used the RTF to set the question text formatting as headers, but doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Did you find a solution to your problem/find anything out that might help in my use case?


I'm having the exact same issue and can't find a way around it 🥲

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