Thousand seperator in Conjoint Pricing | XM Community
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Pricing Feature in Conjoint is very helpful but it’s posing a problem when the currency goes up higher and higher to million. There’s no thousand separator in it and it's hard to watch when my price goes up and there a lot of 0 staying together (for both survey and report). I want the price to be 499,000 rather than 499000

Also, I can’t find a way to access the Conjoint block in survey editor to be able to make any display change with HTML/JavaScript.

Anyone have any idea on how to custom edit this? Thanks in advance!

Update: I found a way to customize the display in survey by putting JS in the header of the survey and using toLocaleString.

However, analysis is still a problem, and I don’t know how to change it for the client to log-in and view the result or make report for stakeholder. Does anyone have an idea to change it?


hi Nam, can you please help to “customize the display in survey by putting JS in the header of the survey and using toLocaleString”   thank you!

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