Timer display even when scrolling through questions | XM Community
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Hello qualtrics community,

I was wondering if anyone knew a Java Script code that would allow a timer to display at the top of the page of my survey? I know how to have a timer display to show how long someone has been on a survey, however the qualtrics function has the timer fixed at the top of the page. I would like the timer to be able to always display on the screen even if I scroll down to answer more questions on the survey. Is this possible? If so, would the code work for a particular block only or would it standardize it for the whole survey? My survey is broken into 8 parts, only 4 of those 8 blocks have survey questions on them and would only need a timer on those particular 4.

Thank you,


I'm not sure the timer script could be applied to a particular block, just within the overall "Look and Feel" menu or to a specific question.

Someone else had a similar issue. Their solution can be found here:


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