ToC Button Translation | XM Community
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Hi all,
My survey (available in both English and French) has a table of contents. I have been able to translate every bit of text on the ToC introduction page, but I cannot figure out how to translate the ToC button at the bottom of the page (since there is no option to use a translated library message as a label).
Can this be done through custom code? Any insight would be appreciated!

Please see this support page:
to learn more about survey translation.

Hi desiree_44,
Thanks but I have already translated the whole survey on Qualtrics. I just cannot find a way to translate the ToC button specifically.

Hi Shokouh I was almost positive that we had either entered or upvoted a product idea for using a message (like you can with other buttons) -- and if you enter this as a product idea I promise to upvote it!
We could not find a way to do this so we opted not to use that button, but instead to provide instructions for how to use the TOC menu (with an image of that) to navigate the sections as needed.
If someone else out in the Community has a JS suggestion I will be interested to learn that as well (bookmarking this thread to that end) but if you are on a time crunch, that is how we approached it.

Shokouh /CarolK ,
Add a 'translation pipe' multiple choice question in a block on its own. Put the block under a 'False' branch near the top of the survey flow and make the first MC choice your ToC (aka Jump) button text. Then translate the question.
Pipe the choice description from the question above into JS in the survey header:

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