Too much white space in survey - how to change it? | XM Community
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I'm developing a new survey and I want to decrease the amount of white space that shows up for the survey participant.
First, it looks like the questions only take up about 2/3rds of the full page width. I don't want to run the full width of the page, but there's an awful lot of WS to either side of the question.
The second thing is that for some of the questions with slider bars, the slider text/area looks really big. In one case a single question takes up most of the web page (and it's only got like 5 sliders in it, so not a huge amount).
I'm not a CSS expert, but would welcome some advice on how I can shrink the WS and make the survey look more compact and balanced.

In the question text HTML section add below code:

If this works, you can add the code in survey level by going in Look & Feel -- Style -- Custom CSS and add the code without style tag in there.
If this works, please accept this as an answer to your question.
All the very best for your project!

This worked, thank you!

@cbhavsar Hi. I saw you posted some code, but can’t see it. Would you mind re-sharing it? Thanks.


here you go:

<style>.Skin .SkinInner{width: 90% !important;}</style>



@cbhavsar Thank you SO much!


here you go:

<style>.Skin .SkinInner{width: 90% !important;}</style>



Thanks for helping our community members!


here you go:

<style>.Skin .SkinInner{width: 90% !important;}</style>



Thanks for helping our community members!

My pleasure! :)

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