Total Score | XM Community
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I am making a survey for marking in a competition. Is there anyway I can have a total at the bottom for participants to view while they complete the survey? Each survey will show a score out of 10.
hi @amydonaldson

you an simply use Scoring and choose the option , after each question. to show a page showing if they ansered correctly and the score .



If you want to have score displayed at bottom of Same page :

You can will have to create embedded data variable, add to its value based on if the previous question has been answered correctly or not. For this you will need to have each scored question in a different block so as to check if the question had been answered correctly

and add it in the embedded variable using math operations
Hello @amydonaldson ,

Paste the following line in the "Look and feel" -> "Advanced" -> "Footer(edit)"

`Your current score- ${gr://SCORE_PIPED_IN}`
@Shashi it is just coming up with "Your current score". I need it to calculate the score as we are going through the survey and see the total score, before we have to submit it. Can you help?
Did you just copy and paste what @Shashi wrote? You need to actually go through the steps to pipe it in so that it pipes in your survey code....


Then, paste the resulting code into the footer:


That works like a charm.

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