Tracking multiple external hyperlink clicks separately or cumulatively | XM Community
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I am a Masters Psychology student with no experience of coding and have found a piece of code that allows you to track when a hyperlink within a survey is clicked, which alone confuses me on how to actually follow the instructions and implement it but I’d probably be able to manage with some hours and tears.

My problem is that I want to include multiple external hyperlinks to act as proxies of understanding within a block of text and be able to track either how many in total have been clicked or, if its easier, whether each individual hyperlink has been clicked, and I have no idea how to. Any advice is greatly appreciated but I’m honestly debating trying to find a way to maybe do this study in person on paper with some other proxy/proxies (I’m an online student so I’m pretty sure that would be incredibly difficult when trying to gather enough data).

Thank you in advance to anyone who responds!

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