Tracking number of responses (quota) with an open URL and without a contact list | XM Community
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I am trying to set up a system that will track the number of times someone has been entered in a survey by other respondents and then limit them to 3 entries.



There is an open URL (anonymous link) survey.

Someone takes the survey and enters someone’s name and email address. (could be anyone)

I would like to count the number of times that specific person has been entered.

I am using email address because we are all in the same organization and that should be a unique field that everyone will know and enter correctly and be the same for that person each time for the most part.

Then change the behavior (survey flow, etc) once that person (email address) reaches 3 entries.



I thought I could set up a workflow that added them to a contact list, but I cannot figure out how to then check that contact list and increment a quota of some kind for that email address. Qualtrics support said this had to be custom code, but I thought I did this before where I created a ‘sign up form’ and then was able to access it.

The issue is that the person taking the survey is not the person being entered and could be anyone, so each person would not know if that person was already entered by someone else.

I suppose I could create an authenticator, but they would have to enter the other person’s email (not their own) for it to look up, but then that only authenticates and doesn’t really allow me to pull any data or do anything with it, right?

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