Triggering "next" response based on slider action | XM Community
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Hi all, 

I am running a survey that involves rating different images. As there are many images I would like to minimise the responses given by each respondent, i.e. when a response is made, move to the next question without having to click “next”

Responses are made via a slider, and I have added the following code for the question:

    /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
    this.questionclick = function(event,element){
        if(element.type == 'Qualtrics.SliderBar') {


While this works with radio buttons, it doesn’t work with sliders. I have tried “slider”, “JSlider” in place of “Qualtrics.SliderBar”.


Does anyone have and ideas on how to solve this? 


Thank you

Hi @JRPhillips ,

I implemented the above request using below code:


let sliderBar = document.querySelector('.handle');
sliderBar.addEventListener('click', function(event) {

if ('handle')) {


Hope this resolves your query😊!!

I’ve used the below before:

var q = jQuery("#"+this.questionId);
var clicked = "no";

q.find(".track").on("mousedown , touchstart", function() {
clicked = "yes"

q.find(".QuestionBody").on("mouseup , touchend", function() {
if(clicked == "yes"){


Thank you @qualtrics_nerd and @Tom_1842 for the suggestions. They both work well on a computer but @Tom_1842 also works on the mobile. 

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