Trying to change next button from the arrow to the word "next" using css. | XM Community
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I know this sounds simple, but I’ve spent three hours trying to figure this out… Can anyone help?

@rg94LM - You can’t change it with CSS.  It is an attribute (value), not a format.


  • Look & feel → General
  • Edit block → Format (to change for a specific block)
  • JavaScript: jQuery("#NextButton").val("Next");

Thank you TomG! You have helped me with so many other issues on this forum, pretty neat to see you answer my first Q here!


Do you know if this is possible to do for the whole survey (not just the block)? Or even for a custom theme? 


Thank you for your help!

Thank you TomG! You have helped me with so many other issues on this forum, pretty neat to see you answer my first Q here!


Do you know if this is possible to do for the whole survey (not just the block)? Or even for a custom theme? 


Thank you for your help!

Look & feel → General will do it for the entire survey. 

Next/Previous buttons aren’t options that can be set in custom themes.

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