Trying to display "MM/DD/YYYY" in answering textbox | XM Community
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Hello all,

I am trying to have the answering textbox display "MM/DD/YYYY" so as to prompt respondents about the expected date format. How can I do that?
You can put add this code in onload function :

`document.getElementById("QR~"+ this.questionId).placeholder = "MM/DD/YYYY" ;`

Hi, I need to do the same. I added this code and it isn't working. Is it possible that the Javascript code is now outdated?
Added here...
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
document.getElementById("QR~"+ this.questionId).placeholder = "MM/DD/YYYY" ;

Hi mattcrist ,
The code seems to be working fine. I tried it today on a text entry question and it is coming up correctly
image.pnghere is the preview link of the survey :

Hi @NiC,
Thanks for your response. I was trying on a Form Field question type, and it doesn't appear to work on this question type. Once I switched to Text Entry, it worked just fine.

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